Friday, 27 January 2012

The Ultimate Weight Loss Secret

The secret to losing weight has been sought after by many people for many years. The information has been there and available. The information is readily available but many people forget the most important part of losing weight. Everyone thinks that it is all a physical process. It isn't. I don't want to sound hocus pocus or off the rocker, but it is not completely physical, it is mostly mental. Let's look at it from this point of view and you will understand.

You have to start by deciding that you are ready to lose weight. I have known many people who say they are going to "try" and lose weight. When you "try" you already set yourself up for failure. You must truly believe that you are going to do it -- regardless of the pain; regardless of what people say -- and do what it takes to get it done. Forget trying and just do it. Make up your mind and then you can begin to lose weight effectively.

Ok, is it that easy? How do I make up my mind and stop trying and start doing?

For starters you must visualize yourself losing weight. You must see yourself in your minds eye what you look like when you have completed your goal. See yourself doing things now that you hadn't been able to do before. You have to compel yourself to get up and do it for the long haul. Give yourself reason and see yourself doing it. You have to make this vision so strong it is real for you. Imagine it every night before you knock off to bed. See it every morning when you are in the shower. See it when you are driving in the car on the way to work. Once you make it real you will see that you will find reasons not to stop.

When you have wanted something in the past what have you done? You decided you wanted it and you went out and got it. Do that for your weight loss. You can do it and you can start now.

Give yourself reason. Give yourself reason to live. Are you married? Are you single? Do you have children? There are tons of reasons to regain your focus. Do you want to live a longer life so that you can be around for your children? I know I do. If you are single, just think of the attraction and magnetism you will have when you are looking and feeling fit. Just feeling fit will change the way you walk and the confidence you show. Do it for your wife or husband. Make change and keep those attractions going.

The bottom line is to find your reason, see it, visualize it, and see yourself doing it and no other way. Once you can do that and make it happen you will be ready to take the physical road to weight loss. You have to want it. Now, get out there and make it happen.

Always consult a physician before starting a weight loss or supplementation program.

Source: - Free Articles Directory

Saturday, 21 January 2012

Easy Weight Loss Tips

Easy weight loss you would believe that with all the technology and science that has gone into weight loss and weight loss products there would be a easy weight loss solution but there is not. Consumers have been looking for an easy weight loss system for years and still they have not found it. Weight loss is the process of burning more calories than a person eats in a given amount of time sounds simple right.

For a person to lose weight they need to burn more calories than they consume. Depending on the types of foods one eats the times they eat and how much. Some people have a metabolism that has to work very hard to burn just a minimal amount of calories. Then you have a group of people that have a metabolism that burns calories on autopilot they simple do nothing and burn all the calories they eat. Physical activity plays a big role in the amount of calories a person burns on the way to easy weight loss. Today a lot of people have jobs that have them sitting for long periods in front of a computer screen. This makes it difficult to burn any calories during this period of time so the food that you do eat turns to fat.

To make it easy to lose weight you have to start by making little changes in those habits that keep you from easy weight loss. Making small changes will eventually enable you to be able to lose weight easily.

Making small changes may be taking some fruit to work instead of hitting the vending machine between lunch and dinner. This is a small change that can be made without your body defense triggering because you have made a drastic change. Also if you like fast food you may want to cut it back to once every two weeks or having a junior meal instead of the adult meal. These changes do not seem like much but over time the will allow you to get easy weight loss. Another change that is not too drastic will enable you to get some extra vitamins is order juice instead of soda or coffee.

The same small changes towards getting more exercise will lead again to an easy weight loss without all those drastic changes that a person cannot stick to. Try to walk five minutes at some point of your day a lot of people are finding out that walking during their lunch or break at work not only helps with weight loss it can curb some of the stress of work. Then you can increase the time and length of your walk slowly then if you get really into it you can try power walking or a jog or run. Changes have to be slow so that they replace those bad habits with the new good ones.

By making these small changes in habits, portion size, drinks and add exercise you will start to see results in your weight loss. The best part of doing it this way is it will be easy weight loss and you will not have to deal with a lot of emotion from drastically changing your diet or increasing your exercise.

Saturday, 7 January 2012

6 Losing Weight Tips - How to Ease Into a Slimmer You With Just a Few Simple Losing Weight Tips

Slimming down is only difficult if you're not serious about it; and losing weight tips should not complicate matters. Don't demand too much from your body because it takes some getting used to. Ease into it with these practical and straightforward losing weight tips.
1. Find out your calorie needs. There's a simple formula to estimate your daily calorie need to shed a safe 1 1/2 pounds weekly. Find your ideal goal weight and multiply that with the number corresponding to your activity level (20 if you workout an hour daily, 15 if you exercise 3-4 times a week, and 13 if you don't exercise at all). The number you'll get is your target calorie intake daily.
2. Keep a food journal. Get yourself a palm-sized notebook and write down everything you eat and drink. You'll be modifying your diet soon and this is the easiest way to keep track of the calories you're taking in. It also helps to pinpoint good and bad habits and what needs changing.
3. How much calorie you need to cut. Tally your average daily calorie intake and subtract from this your target calorie intake. But not so fast; you don't have to give up all those calories right now. Instead, cut that number to one-third and that's your target calorie deduction per week until you reach your target which should be on the third week after you've started.
4. Eat more fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables are essential to losing weight and losing weight tips won't be credible without them. They're high in fiber, antioxidants, nutrients, and yet low in calories and they fill you up same as any meal. Munch on a vegetable or fruit 15 minutes before your biggest meal to stop you from bingeing; that's enough to fill you up so you eat less afterwards.
5. Shift to whole grains. Studies show that a diet both low in fat and high in fiber can lose you as much as three times more weight than a low-fat diet alone. Whole grains have antioxidants and essential vitamins and minerals not found in fruits and vegetables. They're also low in calories and make you feel full easily so you eat less.
6. Simple workouts should do it. Losing weight tips will not be complete without exercise in it. It doesn't have to be a strenuous one right away. You can start by walking more, faster, and farther. Cardio is great for burning fats; add strength training to build your endurance. Once you've settled the routine into your schedule, you can gradually ramp it up.
These losing weight tips are sure to give you a great start towards your weight loss goals. You have to keep in mind that to lose weight means to burn more calories than what you're taking in through a healthy balance of the right food and enough physical activities. Once you get used to the idea, easing into a weight loss program that can take you farther will seem only natural.
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