Saturday, 7 January 2012

6 Losing Weight Tips - How to Ease Into a Slimmer You With Just a Few Simple Losing Weight Tips

Slimming down is only difficult if you're not serious about it; and losing weight tips should not complicate matters. Don't demand too much from your body because it takes some getting used to. Ease into it with these practical and straightforward losing weight tips.
1. Find out your calorie needs. There's a simple formula to estimate your daily calorie need to shed a safe 1 1/2 pounds weekly. Find your ideal goal weight and multiply that with the number corresponding to your activity level (20 if you workout an hour daily, 15 if you exercise 3-4 times a week, and 13 if you don't exercise at all). The number you'll get is your target calorie intake daily.
2. Keep a food journal. Get yourself a palm-sized notebook and write down everything you eat and drink. You'll be modifying your diet soon and this is the easiest way to keep track of the calories you're taking in. It also helps to pinpoint good and bad habits and what needs changing.
3. How much calorie you need to cut. Tally your average daily calorie intake and subtract from this your target calorie intake. But not so fast; you don't have to give up all those calories right now. Instead, cut that number to one-third and that's your target calorie deduction per week until you reach your target which should be on the third week after you've started.
4. Eat more fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables are essential to losing weight and losing weight tips won't be credible without them. They're high in fiber, antioxidants, nutrients, and yet low in calories and they fill you up same as any meal. Munch on a vegetable or fruit 15 minutes before your biggest meal to stop you from bingeing; that's enough to fill you up so you eat less afterwards.
5. Shift to whole grains. Studies show that a diet both low in fat and high in fiber can lose you as much as three times more weight than a low-fat diet alone. Whole grains have antioxidants and essential vitamins and minerals not found in fruits and vegetables. They're also low in calories and make you feel full easily so you eat less.
6. Simple workouts should do it. Losing weight tips will not be complete without exercise in it. It doesn't have to be a strenuous one right away. You can start by walking more, faster, and farther. Cardio is great for burning fats; add strength training to build your endurance. Once you've settled the routine into your schedule, you can gradually ramp it up.
These losing weight tips are sure to give you a great start towards your weight loss goals. You have to keep in mind that to lose weight means to burn more calories than what you're taking in through a healthy balance of the right food and enough physical activities. Once you get used to the idea, easing into a weight loss program that can take you farther will seem only natural.
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1 comment:

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